It can be very hard to have complete control over a large home and building, especially if there are multiple entry and exit points. This can lead to quite a bit of security problems, which is why using a Restricted Key System can come in handy. What the Restricted Key System does is it allows you to take complete control over a building’s security system.
Once you opt for a Restricted Key System you can rest assured that all your keys will not be duplicated without your consent. You will have a unique key for each lock and you get to decide who has access to what location, what keys they can have and so on. If you want, the keys can also be traced to the holder since they will have a special designated number. Each key will also have an individual lock that it activates, so you can trace the lock and key owner using only the serial number.
Why is it necessary to use a Restricted Key System?
Maybe the best benefit when it comes to a Restricted Key System is that you can use it just about anywhere you want. It can work great for commercial establishments but it can also be great for offices as well. Usually, this type of system can actually help you prevent around 40% of all illegal entries. Plus, you will not have to deal with any intrusions or duplicate keys created by thieves as all keys can’t be duplicated by anyone else other than the company that created them.
These keys can’t be distributed or duplicated without complete authorization from the key holder. Since these keys are fully customizable, it can be close to impossible to actually modify them properly. The fact that each duplicate creation requires a formal authorization makes it a lot easier for your company to better protect every inch of its locale without a problem.
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